Yesterday I saw a video described as a new advertisement attacking Obama. The production quality was so poor I assumed it was a hoax. This morning I found more references to it, meaning the RNC really did create it. Watch the video here.
What target audience could this ad possibly have been created for? The only people who would become alarmed about a Marxist in the Obama campaign would never understand the video, because they would be like 100 years old. Somebody should tell the RNC that the Soviet Union collapsed, and Marxists are like cute pets now.
I'd also like to know what David Hasselhoff has to do with anything. He was an actor on Knight Rider, and then he had that long gig on Baywatch. Are their flashes of David Hasselhoff supposed to be derogatory? I am genuinely clueless about the RNC's intentions with regard to the German actor. If they are trying to anger Germans with the ad, then I imagine it could be marginally successful. David Hasselhoff is something of a hero in that nation.
If the ad was intended to hurt Obama's campaign and not insult Germans, then I would have to believe that it is a miserable failure. The message is delivered in such a vague fashion that there is little sense to be made out of it. The advertisement could even possibly help the Obama campaign, because it looks like Barry and David and techno loving Germans are having a blast. Again, anybody who would be disturbed by the commercial probably won't understand it at all.
The ad ends with Obama yelling, "I'm on top of the world!" This reference to "Titanic" misses the mark by a mile. They appear to have made Obama into Leonardo DiCaprio. Do they really want voters to think about Leo when they see Obama? Doesn't John McCain have a hard enough time looking good in comparison to Barry? Yeah, the McCain campaign needs everyone to associate Barack Obama with Jack Dawson, the heroic young man who froze to death so that his love could live.
Parody? Way to waste the dollars RNC, but keep this sort of ad coming, I say. The ad is far more entertaining than McCain on the best of days.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Techno RNC Style
Barack Obama,
Jack Dawson,