Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Notice of Final Post
Last Word:
I would be more than happy in a remote pueblo so far from civilization it would kill me to walk out. All I need is electricity and an Internet connection. I write splendid propaganda and misinformation, just like the newspapers. My passion is for the experience of influencing thought. I do care somewhat about the issues, but I know at the very core of my being my words will not make ideals come true (it's all gray matter, babe). So I do what I do to direct people's thoughts. I would love to do it for the good people, whoever we are. I would have accepted, and will accept, such an invitation. I would even show up to work 24 hours a day, and salute the superior (cough, cough) officers. One requirement: That I never get medical care.
End Transmission.
[Written Much Later: I succeeded. It is a 24 hour a day job with no pay, no benefits, and it is for the good people. I also have a job. I moonlight on my true calling.]
Monday, September 1, 2008
Bandwidth Gone
The power will be out soon, maybe for a week or longer. Take care, folks.
Lost Bandwidth
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Coldsnap Mirror: Nun Arrested
ColdSnap is reporting 9 arrests downtown near the Excel center and police massing all over the downtown core.The very latest (3:24 PM CDT):The National Lawyers Guild and Communities United Against Police Brutality have filed an emergency motion to stop the seizure of cell phones and cameras during the RNC.
The groups will hold a joint press conference at Hennepin County Government Plaza to discuss their application for an emergency injunction, according to a tweet issued by the ColdSnap Legal Collective.
UPDATE (12:34 PDT):: One of the 9 protesters arrested was a nun, seen being loaded into an unmarked blue van. The 9 were apparently trying to climb a fence near a church.
The police refused to allow IWW Union members off of a train. They were forced to continue on to Plymouth, including a diabetic who needed insulin.
Palin Pick Makes Wonkettes Celebrities

Ken Layne, Sara K. Smith, Jim Newell, Elizabeth Glover, Juli Weiner, shortsshortsshorts, say it with wookies, Strictly for the Tardcore, Angry BlakGuy, loudmouthredhead, and the rest of the vile degenerates. First the Library of Congress archiving, and now this, so that was a good week.
Far Beyond Proto-Fascist
"About an hour and a half ago 20 to 30 heavily armed police officers surrounded the house," Whelan said. "One of my roommates said 'I want to see a warrant' and she was immediately detained."
"Are they still outside?" I asked.
"Oh, yes, they're still outside," Whelan replied cheerfully, "The streets are blocked off."
"How you did figure out there was a raid going on?" I asked.
"It sounded like people were falling down on my porch," he said, "Cops were running up both sides of the house onto the porch.
Whelan says his roommate, Erin Stalmaker, went out to talk to talk to the police. She asked the officers why they were there. The officers asked why people were running away from them. Erin reportedly told the officers that their drawn automatic weapons probably had something to do with it. She was detained after asking to see a warrant.
"Are you scared," I asked."
"No, I'm a veteran," he said, "I was in the army. I was a military police officer. I wouldn't have done this."
Whelan said it was especially perplexing that the police would target his home.
"There's nothing here," he said, "These are the "checking" people. They're not even going to be in the demonstration. Some are lawyers."
1,000 miles away, and in the path of a hurricane, I can honestly say the hurricane is less dangerous than our government.
St. Paul, Minnesota: Dangerous
...members of the St. Paul police department and the Ramsey County sheriff's department handcuffed, photographed and detained dozens of people meeting at a public venue to plan a demonstration, charging them with no crime other than "fire code violations," and early this morning, the Sheriff's department sent teams of officers into at least four Minneapolis area homes where suspected protesters were staying. Jane Hamsher and I were at two of those homes this morning -- one which had just been raided and one which was in the process of being raided. Each of the raided houses is known by neighbors as a "hippie house," where 5-10 college-aged individuals live in a communal setting, and everyone we spoke with said that there had never been any problems of any kind in those houses, that they were filled with "peaceful kids" who are politically active but entirely unthreatening and friendly.Video:
Watch yourselves, Jane and Glenn. The people in charge have no problems hurting innocent intellectuals. Be careful, and we will all hope for the best.
I won't miss things like this when I am gone.
I have found a lot more video and details, but it may be an hour or so (evac dial-up cpmmection).
(I wrote this before I found Glenn's article)
Meanwhile, in suxville,
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin ordered the city's more than 239,000 residents to evacuate on Sunday in the face of powerful Hurricane Gustav, which he called "the mother of all storms."Actually, it's just a hurricane, but Mayor Nagin is the drag queen mother of all hypocrites.
In unrelated news, a British criminal justice professor wrote a paper about cybercrime being exaggerated. He says it's all the doing of William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. You see, Cory Doctorow, I told you there's nothing to worry about. People are just goosed over cyber/steam punk.
Did anybody ever believe St. Paul would be a great place to be during the RNC?
Bruce Sterling:
"The 'Welcoming Committee' is a criminal enterprise made up of 35 anarchists who are intent on committing criminal acts before and during the Republican National Convention," said Sheriff Bob Fletcher in a statement. "These acts include tactics to blockade and disable delegate buses, breaching venue security and injuring police officers. They have recruited assistance in their criminal conspiracy from other anarchists groups throughout the country. Through their plans and actions they have exhibited a blatant disregard for the law and the safety of others." (((Well, that makes the stakes pretty clear -- looking forward to the "Chicago-8" style hippie show-trial here.)))
Dangerous kids, get off my lawn!
Slow Learner
"I heard somebody saying, 'They're coming, they're coming!' And feet pounding on the back stairs, pounding on the door saying they had a search warrant. They busted through the door. They've got their guns cocked at people." Sammy Schutz held tightly to five-year-old Gabe, who had been watching a video with his mother and father and about 20 other people when the police stormed into 827 Smith Avenue in St. Paul, ordering everyone down on the floor.
Down here we have Southern hospitality. We bake and serve cookies when the police come. They like them, we like them, no harm, no foul. Also, Santa Claus likes cookies too.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Late, Late Night: Follow The Leader
Something I could never, ever be."
- Jon Davis
There's Thers Over Ther:
1. Partisan Democrat liberals run the teevee in manner of Evil Cabal or similar.They forgot that God created Earth 'cuz he was bored, women MUST have babies, child abuse was originally called discipline, the nigras are supposed to be working for them (not selling the crax), and, not least, Jesus loves you, brother/sister/mother/father/family.
2. Saddam Hussein totally did too! have nukes and chemical weapons and WMDs.
3. Global Warming is a Fraud launched by False Prophet Scientists with sinister motives.
4. Homosexuals do not deserve equal marriage rights under the law for reasons of ickiness or something equally vague.
5. Barack Obama, like Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry, Al Gore, and Bill Clinton, is a Marxist Communist. (Adding, Obama is an effete elitist latte & malt-liquor-swilling hardcore weenie gangsta rapper who wants to bang your sister, make everyone gay like him, & impose Islamofascism, because he's too smooth, too angry, too Ivy League and too South Side all at the same time.)
6. Torture is swell!
7. Despite its expensive pointlessness, we should drill drill drill! for oil that's not there that we need to wean ourselves off of anyhow.
I know. I know. I am gonna be sooo sorry when the rapture comes, because it's going to be very, very spooky after that.
Sarah Palin was 9 years old the last time John McCain had a natural stiffy, and John McCain was 23 years old when Alaska became a state.
Leighton Woodhouse, ladies and gentlemen:
I don't believe that this is a bid for Hillary supporters, I think it's a bid for the same segment of the electorate that almost every tactic from both campaigns has been aimed at: white working class swing voters. I think the inevitable attacks on Palin are part of the purpose of her selection. By turning her into a lightning rod, they will be able to deflect attacks away from McCain toward a far more sympathetic figure, and then use those attacks as evidence in a far more powerful counterattack against typical liberal elitism.Does it count as an attack when I say she's hot?
And by hot I mean fine/foxy/groovy/dreamy/unqualified.
Manners are so last year.
Palin giggles while radio show host calls her Republican foe a bitch:
Gov. Sarah Palin really stepped in it when she appeared recently on the show hosted by two admiring radio personalities, Bob and Mark of KWHL.Full feed.
Bob used the b-word to describe Sen. President Lyda Green, who is no friend of the governor. Instead of saying she objected to her supporter's making such a juvenile and inappropriate insult, she giggled nervously...
She came off looking immature herself, almost high-schoolish. It was conduct unbecoming a governor.
Does anyone believe that was an attack? I was actually hitting on her. I guess this means I got shot down. I bought a corsage for her and everything. Prom is ruined now.
Something smells horrid in this motel room. Damns yous hurricane! It smells like... old cheese.
More soon.
Morse Presents
Sarah Palin factoids:
1. Sarah Palin loves earmarks, and loved the bridge to nowhere (between Ketchikan and Gravina, middle of nowhere). John McCain has said he is against them.
2. Some of her fellow Republican Alaskans are troubled by McCain's decision:
State Senate President Lyda Green said she thought it was a joke when someone called her at 6 a.m. to give her the news.
"She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?" said Green, a Republican from Palin's hometown of Wasilla. "Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?"
Green, who has feuded with Palin repeatedly over the past two years, brought up the big oil tax increase Palin pushed through last year. She also pointed to the award of a $500 million state subsidy to a Canadian firm to pursue a natural gas pipeline that is far from guaranteed.
3. Sarah Palin wanted an exit strategy from Iraq. John McCain wants perpetual war everywhere, until the rapture comes or he dies.
4. Sarah Palin is hot, and the definition of is in this case is is. She's the first Republican politician I have ever wanted to "have relations with." Cindy botoxed herself into a coma, again, when she got a good look at Sarah. John McCatch-a-nut has been known to hanky panky (as with Cindy originally). Cindy Canes must be worried.
5. Feminists are not fooled:
Palin's addition to the ticket takes Republican faux-feminism to a whole new level. As Adam Serwer pointed out on TAPPED, this is in fact a condescending move by the GOP. It plays to the assumption that disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters did not care about her politics -- only her gender. In picking Palin, Republicans are lending credence to the sexist assumption that women voters are too stupid to investigate or care about the issues, and merely want to vote for someone who looks like them. As Serwer noted, it's akin to choosing Alan Keyes in an attempt to compete with Obama for votes from black Americans.
I hope Hillary takes her apart. Hillary should be he first woman President, not a homogenized baby factory from Alaska. It is indeed insulting, to women and admirers of Hillary Clinton alike.
Entire Cloud Deleted
The cons of clouds:Following last month's much-discussed Amazon S3 outage, most (if not all) of XCalibre's FlexiScale cloud went dark on Tuesday, and nearly two days later, the UK-based hosting outfit has yet to restore service.
According to XCalibre CEO Tony Lucas, the outage has affected "a vast majority" of businesses relying on FlexiScale for on-demand storage, processing, and/or network bandwidth.
Lucas won't say how many cloud-happy outfits depend on his cloud, which went live in October. But he expects some of them will be back up and running this evening UK time. "And other customers will start coming back online from there on," he says. "But we're not sure how long that will take."
As Lucas explained in an email to customers - posted to the Web by CNet - the outage occurred when an XCalibre engineer accidentally deleted one of FlexiScale's main storage volumes. "The problem was caused by human error," Lucas told us. "We've been having some capacity issues - FlexiScale has been growing at about 30 per cent a month in terms of usage. We've been adding capacity and adding capacity and we were in the process of adding even more, when one of the engineers who was tidying things up on the disk architecture made a mistake."
- Web 2.0 runs on a lot of extra money (it ain't free - you pay for services you already have [or should have] locally)
- If a cloud fails (God forbid, electronics still have flaws), you're screwed. Amazon EC2
went down, and all I got was this lousy email:
Interesting to note, the U.S. DoD plans to move almost all of it's military computing to an HP cloud system. HP doesn't have half the experience in cloud engineering that Google has, and will certainly make a killing off the deal. Meanwhile, vast amounts of top secret intelligence will be stored and accessed remotely. What a great idea. The administration is really out thinking itself now. "We have lots and lots and lots of data... let's put it all in a cloud controlled by Hewlett Packard. Heh heh!"There was a bad hardware failure. Hope you backed up your shit.
Look at it this way: at least you don't have a tapeworm.
-The Amazon EC2 Team
There's no reason to worry about DDoS attacks or DNS hacking in the event of global war, right?
Also, the troops need more gear to lug around.
They'll all be cybernetic soon anyway.
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Goods on Sarah Palin
Palin has been Governor for 1 1/2 years. Before her election as Governor, she was the part-time mayor of a village of 6,000 people.What experience does she have that qualifies her to lead this nation?
She's also worked as a commercial fisherman, as a sports reporter, and was a championship basketball player in high school. She paid her way through the University of Idaho (degrees in journalism and politics) by coming in second in the Miss Alaska Beauty Pageant.
Mitt Romney describes her as a "Washington outsider." That has to be the understatement of the year.
She was Miss Alaska, and has been a governor for less than two years.
I guess that means there will be no more attacks on Obama's experience, which were already nearly played out.
Trapper John:
After his selection in 1988, Dan Quayle was rightly lambasted as a dim, inexperienced lightweight with no real pertinent experience who was named by George H. W. Bush as a gimmick - a case of an old, out-of touch candidate trying to appear relevant by teaming up with a much younger pol. Now, Palin's not Quayle - by all accounts, she's quite bright. But she's fantastically inexperienced, far more so than Quayle was when he was tapped. And she possesses an attribute far worse than Quayle's stupidity - she's a big corrupt wheel in Alaska's big corrupt Republican Party, arguably the most corrupt political apparatus in the United States.McCain pandering to the far right, picks creationist:
Extremely anti-abortion Palin:"My dad did talk a lot about his theories of evolution," she said. "He would show us fossils and say, 'How old do you think these are?' "
Asked for her personal views on evolution, Palin said, "I believe we have a creator."
“Alaskans know I am pro-life and have never wavered in my belief in the sanctity of every human life.”
“I am pro-life…”
[Referring to her and her husband] “We’ve both been very vocal about being pro-life. We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential.”From the great ladies at Feministing:
First up, she's super anti-choice. The forced-pregnancy crowd is thrilled today! (She recently had her fifth child, who has Down's syndrome.) She's against marriage equality and supports a federal gay-marriage ban, but has made sure to note that she "has gay friends." Though she has signed on to same-sex partner benefits. She believes schools should teach creationism. She's also pretty terrible on environmental issues, and is a huge advocate of drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Plus, she's embroiled in a scandal.and:
Republicans are more open to a certain type of woman -- one who is strongly against things like equal pay, universal health care, and reproductive freedom. In other words, the party is pro-woman-candidates, as long as they enact anti-woman policies.One can't get much more right wing than Sarah Palin.
Lord, sweet jeebus, help us defeat this evil dynamic duo.
Sarah Palin To Be McCain's VP Pick
McCain clearly thinks he will get the poor, weak minded Hillary supporters to vote for him because they see a female face. Biden will destroy this woman. An anti-choice feminist? That's how she's being described, but I have news, my friends. "Anti-choice feminist" is an oxymoron. The writers at feministing will have a field day with this pick. I'm still doing research on whether this may actually work for McCain, though I have serious doubts it will help him.
Contact Kathleen Carroll At AP
Kathleen Carroll at kcarroll@ap.org or (212) 621-1500
Anybody offended by the degradation of the AP and the smears on Barack Obama can also join MoveOn or FireDogLake in asking that the attacks stop.
Incidentally, Babington wrote his article before the speech even ended.
Actually, McCain's campaign handed it to him before the speech even started, and Babington merely filled in a couple of details to make it look legit. That's the way it reads to me, anyway.
The Fournier Associated Press
It is analysis that strikes me as having born no resemblance to the speech you and I just watched. None whatsoever. And for it to be distributed by the lone national news organization in terms of wire copy to newspapers around the country and web sites is a remarkable failure of that news organization.Even long time conservative writers and commentators thought the speech was extremely good, and answered a great many of the questions people have about Barack Obama. Here's what Editor and Publisher, America's oldest journal covering the newspaper industry, said about the bipartisan acclaim for the oratory:
Charles Babington, find a new line of work.
With rare exception, nearly all of the top commentators and reporters on the three cable news networks had hailed Obama's speech as something new and powerful, and filled with specifics, and predicted it would have a positive effect on his chances vs. John McCain. This hallelujah chorus included conservatives such as Bill Kristol and Pat Buchanan and the longtime Republican David Gergen, as well as Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams. Buchanan called it the best and most important political convention speech he had ever heard, going back 48 years.Ron Fournier's well honed McCain propaganda campaign chose to present it in a different way. Charles Babington:
Barack Obama, whose campaign theme is "change we can believe in," promised Thursday to "spell out exactly what that change would mean."Babington also originally misreported the length of the speech, further undermining his credibility as a qualified and objective journalist. The speech was 44 minutes long, not 35. That mistake was corrected not long after Olbermann pointed it out on the air.
But instead of dwelling on specifics, he laced the crowning speech of his long campaign with the type of rhetorical flourishes that Republicans mock and the attacks on John McCain that Democrats cheer. The country saw a candidate confident in his existing campaign formula: tie McCain tightly to President Bush, and remind voters why they are unhappy with the incumbent.
Newspapers all over the country print these analyses from the Associated Press. If anybody went to bed before the speech started, or chose to read about the speech rather than watch it, when they open their newspaper this morning they are likely to find Babington's "analysis." A growing number of people have called for their local newspapers to drop the very expensive wire service from the Associated Press, citing a long list of biased pieces released since Ron Fournier took over.
The Maynard Institute for Journalism released a column concerning Fournier's bias in leading the Washington Bureau. Ironically, the column on the perceived bias was written in a very objective and factual manner. Here's some of Richard Prince's column:
The Washington bureau chief for the Associated Press, already under attack for a perceived tilt toward Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, wrote on Saturday that Sen. Barack Obama's pick of Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate says "something profound about Obama: For all his self-confidence, the 47-year-old Illinois senator worried that he couldn't beat Republican John McCain without help from a seasoned politician willing to attack."Pedigreed journalists feel the direction Fournier has taken the AP undermines the sanctity of objective journalism, and further endangers the print industry at a time when it is extremely vulnerable. 24 hour cable news and the Internet have increasingly allowed people to get their news without buying newspapers. Fournier's poorly disguised attacks have not helped matters at all, and come as a sad reminder of the lies the American people have been told for the last eight years.
It was headlined, "Analysis: Biden pick shows lack of confidence."
"The Biden pick is the next logistical step in an Obama campaign that has become more negative — a strategic decision that may be necessary but threatens to run counter to his image," it continued.
The left-leaning political group MoveOn.org said Monday of Fournier's piece: "That sounded more like right-wing FOX than an unbiased news organization.
"This isn't an isolated incident for the AP reporter who wrote this story, Ron Fournier -- who was recently appointed as the AP's Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief. Media watchdog group Media Matters wrote a report showing that Fournier's presidential coverage has consistently smeared Democrats and favored John McCain . . . ." as Joe Strupp reported for Editor & Publisher.
Gustav Looms: Looking Back on Katrina
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Caller to CSpan
- Is it true John McCain has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease?Freaking comedy on CSpan... I would never have guessed.
- No, that is not true.
- Some people told me he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
- That is not true, as far as we know.
The next caller said, "Yeeah, John McCain's gonna be the next preznit 'cuz of immigration, 'cuz he did stuff on immigration. He's gon' be our next preznit."
The freaks come out at night, and during the day.
McCain Goes Apeshit Nasty
What do you want voters to know coming out of the Republican Convention — about you, about your candidacy?
I'm prepared to be President of the United States, and I'll put my country first.
There's a theme that recurs in your books and your speeches, both about putting country first but also about honor. I wonder if you could define honor for us?
Read it in my books.
I've read your books.
No, I'm not going to define it.
But honor in politics?
I defined it in five books. Read my books.
[Your] campaign today is more disciplined, more traditional, more aggressive. From your point of view, why the change?
I will do as much as we possibly can do to provide as much access to the press as possible.
But beyond the press, sir, just in terms of ...
I think we're running a fine campaign, and this is where we are.
Do you miss the old way of doing it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Really? Come on, Senator.
I'll provide as much access as possible ...
In 2000, after the primaries, you went back to South Carolina to talk about what you felt was a mistake you had made on the Confederate flag. Is there anything so far about this campaign that you wish you could take back or you might revisit when it's over?
[Does not answer.]
Do I know you? [Says with a laugh.]
What a nice, nice man. I think I would rather eat a bowl full of broken beer bottles I found in a sewer than read John McCain's five books, which were propaganda written by Mark Salter.
Wow, The Speeches
Before I talk about the big winners I want to say a few things abut Biden's speech. The phone rang right before Biden's speech got good (or so I read this morning). I thought the speech started slow and lacked the energy of the blood and fire speeches earlier in the evening. From what I caught it seemed Joe Biden used his speech more as a personal introduction to the American people who don't know him than an all out attack on the GOP. Other people (Chris Bowers) said he attacked very well:
Joe Biden lacked poetry, but he really, really hammered McCain. Given that is what I have hoped to hear from Democrats for so long during this campaign, it was great to hear. He seems to be every bit of the attack dog that we had hoped for when the short list became clear.
That was the part I missed. Damn you, telephone! Oh, cool, I found the transcripts. Here's the attack part:
Should mom move in with us now that dad is gone? Fifty, 60, 70 dollars to fill up the car? Winter's coming. How we gonna pay the heating bills? Another year and no raise? Did you hear the company may be cutting our health care? Now, we owe more on the house than it's worth. How are we going to send the kids to college? How are we gonna be able to retire?I think I was right and the speech served more as an introduction. But it did have a brief attack, and I am gladdened.
That's the America that George Bush has left us, and that's the future John McCain will give us. These are not isolated discussions among families down on their luck. These are common stories among middle-class people who worked hard and played by the rules on the promise that their tomorrows would be better than their yesterdays.
That promise is the bedrock of America. It defines who we are as a people. And now it's in jeopardy. I know it. You know it. But John McCain doesn't get it.
I very much liked his son's speech. Beau Biden was very moving. I even got a little saline in the corner of my eye (dust or something):
The truth is, he almost wasn't a senator at all. In 1972, shortly after his improbable victory, but before he took the oath of office, my father went to Washington to look at his new office space. My mom took us to go buy a Christmas tree. On the way home, we were in an automobile accident. My mom, Neilia, and sister, Naomi, were killed. My brother, Hunter, and I were seriously injured and hospitalized for weeks. I was just short of 4 years old. One of my earliest memories was being in that hospital, Dad always at our side. We, not the Senate, were all he cared about.The people who weren't moved by his words may not feel a connection with deep personal loss, but who knows. It loses some power in transcription. Beau's delivery in no way lacked emotional content.
He decided not to take the oath of office. He said, "Delaware can get another senator, but my boys can't get another father." However, great men like Ted Kennedy, Mike Mansfield, Hubert Humphrey — men who had been tested themselves — convinced him to serve. So he was sworn in, in the hospital, at my bedside. As a single parent, he decided to be there to put us to bed, to be there when we woke from a bad dream, to make us breakfast, so he'd travel to and from Washington, four hours a day.
Madeline Albright's speech was a work of pure genius, on paper. Her delivery was good, not great, just good. She has never been known as a fiery public speaker, so I thought she did very well. She fearlessly shredded Bush/McCain and the disastrous policies of the past eight years. She did so at a near monotone a couple of times, but the content was so powerful it was easy to find the speech inspiring. She also clearly has disdain for the wrinkled old coot:
We cannot afford four more years like the past eight years-policies thatShe's such a nice lady. I wouldn't have thought she would give it to the GOP with both barrels, buckshot packed with salt no less. I knew after her speech that I was not going to allow myself to miss anything Wednesday evening.
embolden our enemies, undermine our economy, and place an unfair burden on the
heroes of our armed forces. John McCain asks that we trust Republicans to
safeguard our national security. To which we can only reply: why would we?
The Bush-Cheney decision to invade Iraq was an assault advertised as a
strike against terror that distracted from the fight against terror, and a
blow aimed at extremists that strengthened radicals. Senator McCain says that
American troops should remain in Iraq perhaps as long as they have been
stationed in Korea and Japan, as if there were no difference in history,
religion or culture between our friends in Asia and those in the Middle East.
Senator McCain claims to already know everything a president needs to
know, but the first qualification any leader needs to have is the ability to
learn. We need a president who is not wedded to 20th century thinking, who can
forge a network of power and principle that will keep America strong and safe
in the 21st century.
Bill Clinton's speech played to the listeners at gut level when it came to highlighting the epic failures of Bushco. Text:
Our nation is in trouble on two fronts: The American Dream is under siege at home, and America's leadership in the world has been weakened.
Middle class and low-income Americans are hurting, with incomes declining; job losses, poverty and inequality rising; mortgage foreclosures and credit card debt increasing; health care coverage disappearing; and a big spike in the cost of food, utilities, and gasoline.
Our position in the world has been weakened by too much unilateralism and too little cooperation; a perilous dependence on imported oil; a refusal to lead on global warming; a growing indebtedness and a dependence on foreign lenders; a severely burdened military; a backsliding on global non-proliferation and arms control agreements; and a failure to consistently use the power of diplomacy, from the Middle East to Africa to Latin America to Central and Eastern Europe.
I also found his support of Barack Obama to be sincere, concise and very clear. Regardless of what Bill feels about Barack, he did not let it stand in the way of a major endorsement. Does this sound contrived?
Everything I learned in my eight years as president and in the work I've done since, in America and across the globe, has convinced me that Barack Obama is the man for this job.It was possible to sense a measure of discontent on the part of our 42nd President. His words did not betray that undercurrent, however. His speech really brought back the feeling of the glorious 8 years that is Clinton's legacy. History will remember Bill Clinton very well, unlike his successor.
He has a remarkable ability to inspire people, to raise our hopes and rally us to high purpose. He has the intelligence and curiosity every successful president needs. His policies on the economy, taxes, health care and energy are far superior to the Republican alternatives. He has shown a clear grasp of our foreign policy and national security challenges, and a firm commitment to repair our badly strained military. His family heritage and life experiences have given him a unique capacity to lead our increasingly diverse nation and to restore our leadership in an ever more interdependent world. The long, hard primary tested and strengthened him. And in his first presidential decision, the selection of a running mate, he hit it out of the park.
With Joe Biden's experience and wisdom, supporting Barack Obama's proven understanding, insight and good instincts, America will have the national security leadership we need.
John Kerry blew me away as well. My favorite attack of the night:
I have known and been friends with John McCain for almost 22 years. But every day now I learn something new about candidate McCain. To those who still believe in the myth of a maverick instead of the reality of a politician, I say, let's compare Sen. McCain to candidate McCain.
Candidate McCain now supports the wartime tax cuts that Sen. McCain once denounced as immoral. Candidate McCain criticizes Sen. McCain's own climate change bill. Candidate McCain says he would now vote against the immigration bill that Sen. McCain wrote. Are you kidding? Talk about being for it before you're against it.
Let me tell you, before he ever debates Barack Obama, John McCain should finish the debate with himself. And what's more, Sen. McCain, who once railed against the smears of Karl Rove when he was the target, has morphed into candidate McCain who is using the same "Rove" tactics and the same "Rove" staff to repeat the same old politics of fear and smear. Well, not this year, not this time. The Rove-McCain tactics are old and outworn, and America will reject them in 2008.
How could so many people be stupid enough to vote for George Bush a second time? I know Kerry responded poorly to Rove's attacks in th epast. His words last night brought a strong reminder of what a great leader he is, and how great a President he would have been. The sleaze machine that attacked the decorated war hero now wants us to believe McCain is better, because he was in prison for 5.5 years... POW POW POW POW. Kerry delivered real content:
We all certainly hope that the concerned intelligent citizens of our nation finally outnumber the people who have no clue about the desperate realities facing America. It is not presumptous for Kerry to claim we will win, and I do hope he is right.The stakes could not be higher, because we do know what a McCain administration would look like: just like the past, just like George Bush. And this country can't afford a third Bush term. Just think: John McCain voted with George Bush 90 percent of the time. Ninety percent of George Bush is just more than we can take.
Never in modern history has an administration squandered American power so recklessly. Never has strategy been so replaced by ideology. Never has extremism so crowded out common sense and fundamental American values. Never has short-term partisan politics so depleted the strength of America's bipartisan foreign policy.
George Bush, with John McCain at his side, promised to spread freedom but delivered the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time. They misread the threat and misled the country. Instead of freedom, it's Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban and dictators everywhere that are on the march. North Korea has more bombs, and Iran is defiantly chasing one
I am going to close this with Kerry's inspiring close. It brought me to my feet:
Sometimes loving your country demands you must tell the truth to power.
This is one of those times, and Barack Obama is telling those truths.
In closing, let me say, I will always remember how we stood together in 2004, not just in a campaign, but for a cause. Now again we stand together in the ranks, ready to fight. The choice is clear; our cause is just; and now is our time to make Barack Obama the next president of the United States.
Wednesday night from the DNC should revive any waning feeling of momentum among Barack's supporters, if such a shift ever took place at all.
McCain's Free Advertising
This week, the Wall Street Journal reported that McCain's Hillary ads aren't actually airing anywhere in the country. The McCain campaign just said they were so the press would report them. Now they're airing some transparently dishonest ads, leading Marc Ambinder to suggest that the press has a dilemma. "If we want to point out how misleading they are, we air the ad. McCain's campaign wins the point. If refuse to point out how misleading they are, McCain's campaign escapes criticism." It's a little odd that the McCain campaign is treating their friends in the press like idiots, but it's odder still that the press seems okay with it, and isn't responding by talking about all the dishonest negative campaigning he's trying to promote and noting that he needs to use the press because his campaign has a money crisis.
Honest, straight talking, admirable... those words are all antithetical to John McCain the candidate. Maybe he's a better man than this, but his actions have irreparably tarnished his image. It's sad when a Republican liked by moderates becomes a neocon shill, and even his supporters feel dirty.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
DNC Speeches
Still and all:
Kerry kicked a 65 yard field goal.
Bill "Da Man" Clinton drove into the end zone with 10 guys on him.
Harry Reid (boo, I know, but not tonight) sounded great.
The first black CSM of the US Military blew it out of the water.
What a great night.
Sorry no links.
Peace, love, word, bond.
Extremely Dangerous Young Girl Leveled By Cop
What a wonderful party they are having in Denver. Did you hear about the 24 year old woman who got knocked on her ass by a very strong, armed, baton wielding cop? She was a member of the dangerous extremist group Code Pink, those ladies who are against the wars overseas. She was arrested a short while later, apparently because she was talking to reporters. Dirty troublemakers... Get off my lawn!!!
Watch it:
Thanks to Lina Newhouser and Common Dreams.
Murderous Cyborg Insects
After all those years of warnings about sinister African killer bees inexorably heading toward the U.S., DARPA decided to draft bees into military service. In 2002, projects examining the performance of honeybees trained to detect explosives and locate other "odors of interest" were launched. Since then, DARPA has been creating insect databases while increasing efforts to "understand how to use endemic insects as collectors of environmental information." DARPA says it has already tested "this endemic insect system in key operational demonstrations here and abroad." How long until they start thinking about weaponizing insects as well? Instead of your plain old, garden variety Stinger missiles, you could have a swarm of missile stingers.It gets better. Part of the story originated in The Times 15 months ago. Nick Turse synopsis:
Rodney Brooks, the director of the computer science and artificial intelligence lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, indicated that the Pentagon is striving toward a major expansion in the use of non-traditional air power -- like unmanned aerial vehicles and cyborg insects -- in the years ahead. "There's no doubt their things will become weaponized," he explained, "so the question [is]: should they [be] given targeting authority?" Brooks went on to assert, according to The Times, that it might be time to consider rewriting international law to take the future weaponization of such "devices" into account.Sometimes a wasp isn't just a W.A.S.P. Nick Turse goes on to ask:
Why does the U.S. government foster unfettered, blue-skies creativity only in the context of lethal technologies (or those that, indirectly, enhance lethality by aiding the functioning of the armed forces)?I have a question also. Does this mean the world is about to witness a cybernetics arms race? You know Putin loves bugs just as much as we do (oh, different kind of bug, sort of). Russia is going to want murderous robot bugs too. Exterminators unite and conquer!
Hmm, Super Soldiers may be harder to deal with.
The Freedom Cage Is Empty

Did anybody really believe that activists and protesters would stand around in a cage in a parking lot surrounded by police and Secret Service?
The Christian Science Monitor:
They're outside city offices, in parks, on the capitol steps and near the US Mint. But the one place most protesters here are avoiding is the official demonstration zone, a fenced-in parking lot near the Democratic National Convention that activists here mockingly call "the freedom cage."The 47,000-square-foot zone is hemmed by rows of metal barricades and concrete barriers and watched over by uniformed Secret Service agents. Views of the Pepsi Center convention site, some 700 feet away, are blocked by a giant tent housing news media.
That sounds fantastic. I wonder why it's empty.
[Update: I fixed the link and formatting that somehow disappeared. Tha's what I get for using somebody else's computer, a Winblows, to post.]
U.S. Kills 60 Children
Here's what the Afghani's want:
It says the presence of the international community in Afghanistan must be reviewed through mutual agreement and reiterates previous government demands on banning air strikes on civilian targets, un-coordinated house searches and the illegal detention of Afghan civilians.
I am sure they want a lot of things. We want a lot of things in the United States as well. Most of us want our government to stop torturing people, at least those of us with intelligence (it gives bad intel). Many, many of us want an impeachment of the President. It doesn't look like many of the things so desired will ever be attained.
I will continue demanding justice even after Chimpy and Dick leave office. They should be prosecuted for their crimes. There's still Hope. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed,
Hillary Stomped McAss
Whether you voted for me, or voted for Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose. We are on the same team, and none of us can sit on the sidelines.
This is a fight for the future. And it's a fight we must win.
I haven't spent the past 35 years in the trenches advocating for children, campaigning for universal healthcare, helping parents balance work and family and fighting for women's rights at home and around the world ... to see another Republican in the White House squander the promise of our country and the hopes of our people.And you haven't worked so hard over the last 18 months, or endured the last eight years, to suffer through more failed leadership.
No way. No how. No McCain.
But wait, she's not done eviscerating the Gross Old Pricks:
...after eight years of George Bush, people are hurting at home, and our standing has eroded around the world. We have a lot of work ahead.
Jobs lost, houses gone, falling wages, rising prices. The supreme court in a right-wing headlock and our government in partisan gridlock. The biggest deficit in our nation's history. Money borrowed from the Chinese to buy oil from the Saudis.
Putin and Georgia, Iraq and Iran.
Oh, yays, she's going for the jugular:
John McCain says the economy is fundamentally sound. John McCain doesn't think that 47m people without health insurance is a crisis. John McCain wants to privatise Social Security. And in 2008, he still thinks it's okay when women don't earn equal pay for equal work.
With an agenda like that, it makes sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities. Because these days they're awfully hard to tell apart.
I ran for president to renew the promise of America. To rebuild the middle class and sustain the American dream, to provide the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded, to save for college, a home and retirement, to afford the gas and groceries and still have a little left over each month.
To promote a clean energy economy that will create millions of green collar jobs.
To create a healthcare system that is universal, high-quality and affordable so that parents no longer have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead end jobs simply to keep their insurance.
To create a world-class education system and make college affordable again.
To fight for an America defined by deep and meaningful equality - from civil rights to labour rights, from women's rights to gay rights, from ending discrimination to promoting unionisation to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families. To help every child live up to his or her God-given potential.
To make America once again a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws.
To bring fiscal sanity back to Washington and make our government an instrument of the public good, not of private plunder.
To restore America's standing in the world, to end the war in Iraq, bring our troops home and honor their service by caring for our veterans.
And to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges, from poverty and genocide to terrorism and global warming.
Most of all, I ran to stand up for all those who have been invisible to their government for eight long years.
Those are the reasons I ran for president. Those are the reasons I support Barack Obama. And those are the reasons you should too.
I want you to ask yourselves: Were you in this campaign just for me? Or were you in it for that young Marine and others like him? Were you in it for that mom struggling with cancer while raising her kids? Were you in it for that boy and his mom surviving on the minimum wage? Were you in it for all the people in this country who feel invisible?
This, my friends, was what I call a home run. It wasn't just a homerun, it was a grand-freaking-slam. Wow, Mrs. Clinton, just wow.
Meanwhile, in Bizarro World, Ron Fournier is still spinning nonsense:
Standing before thousands of delegates, almost half of them her backers, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton declared it time "to unite as a single party with a single purpose" and urged her followers to help elect once-bitter rival Barack Obama. "We are on the same team," she said, after allowing the applause to build to a crescendo and linger, longer than usual — much like the Democratic primary race itself."Barack Obama is my candidate," she said. "And he must be our president."
But did she mean it? And would it matter?
Whatevs. Oh, AP, your objectivity will be missed. How many ways is Fournier a pinhead? You tell me.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Daily Show on I-94

This billboard greets the fascists arriving for the Republican National Convention after they leave the airport in Minneapolis-St. Paul.
Jon Stewart is the most trusted political analyst in this nation. Michiko Kakutani:
...one very real truth: the emergence of “The Daily Show” as a genuine cultural and political force. When Americans were asked in a 2007 poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press to name the journalist they most admired, Mr. Stewart, the fake news anchor, came in at No. 4, tied with the real news anchors Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw of NBC, Dan Rather of CBS and Anderson Cooper of CNN. And a study this year from the center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism concluded that “ ‘The Daily Show’ is clearly impacting American dialogue” and “getting people to think critically about the public square.”Leonard Doyle:
The fake news anchor may be the antidote to fake news, which has a habit of showing up in American newspapers. After all, the US government had an initiative in 2005 to plant "positive news" in Iraqi newspapers to sway public opinion about the war. The Bush administration has worked closely with big business to keep it flowing.I thought the same thing, but I thought it 4:20 style. Down with Baracknophobia!
According to Professor Robert Love, of Columbia Journalism School: "They have used fringe scientists and fake experts to muddy scientific debates on global warming, stem-cell research, evolution, and other matters."
For all his fakery, Mr Stewart may be pointing the way to the future of news: bluntness and informality fused with ruthless editing and a funny bone which helps to ensure that stories he wants to cover are watched.
Asphyxiated Press Story
With all of the news coming out of the convention, it's hard to believe that the Associated Press would need to make up a story, but hey, it is the Associated Press...the headline is eye-catching:Thanks to Eric Boehlert at Media matters for pointing this all out, since I missed BarbinMD's little piece when it came out. I no longer do AP syndication, for obvious reasons. I join in the call for Fournier to be taken off of campaign coverage.
Pelosi admits Democrats not yet united
Oh no! This is exactly the kind of story you don't want to see, right? Well, don't worry because there is nothing in the article that justifies the headline. What does Pelosi have to say about the disunity question?
The nomination is decided, we have a vice president, we're going to work together and go forward...You know what? This is like a yesterday room. We are going into the future. What did I walk into, a time capsule?
Telecom Giant Says Thank You
Armed with full-scale Convention press credentials issued by the DNC, I went -- along with Firedoglake's Jane Hamsher, John Amato, Stoller and others -- in order to cover the event, interview the attendees, and videotape the festivities. There was a wall of private security deployed around the building, and after asking where the press entrance was, we were told by the security officials, after they consulted with event organizers, that the press was barred from the event, and that only those with invitations could enter -- notwithstanding the fact that what was taking place in side was a meeting between one of the nation's largest corporations and the numerous members of the most influential elected faction in Congress. As a result, we stood in front of the entrance and began videotaping and trying to interview the parade of Blue Dog Representatives, AT&T executives, assorted lobbyists and delegates who pulled up in rented limousines, chauffeured cars, and SUVs in order to find out who was attending and why AT&T would be throwing such a lavish party for the Blue Dog members of Congress.Matt Stoller wrote about their plan to crash the party before they did it, when he found this:Amazingly, not a single one of the 25-30 people we tried to interview would speak to us about who they were, how they got invited, what the party's purpose was, why they were attending, etc. One attendee said he was with an "energy company," and the other confessed she was affiliated with a "trade association," but that was the full extent of their willingness to describe themselves or this event. It was as though they knew they're part of a filthy and deeply corrupt process and were ashamed of -- or at least eager to conceal -- their involvement in it. After just a few minutes, the private security teams demanded that we leave, and when we refused and continued to stand in front trying to interview the reticent attendees, the Denver Police forced us to move further and further away until finally we were unable to approach any more of the arriving guests.

Then Jane wrote a couple of descriptions of the events as well. Here's one:
The stuff in front of the cameras is kabuki. The video above of the AT&T Blue Dog reception at the DNC, which includes the Denver Police using their badges on behalf of the lobbyist cabal to keep us away from their guests, is really your government in action. If you recognize anyone in the video, please leave their name in the comments.
This was an amazing piece of journalism from these very talented writers.
And here is the Link To Video.
5 And A Half Years
Here's a good comment:
If only Johnny Carson were still around. It’d be a great Carnac moment.
(Carnac holds the sealed envelope up to his turban)
CARNAC: Five and a half years.
ED McMAHON: Five and a half years.
(Carnac rips the envelope open and removes the card)
CARNAC (reading): The interval between Cindy McCain’s orgasms!
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Tonight Show
From the AP story:
For reporters not in Denver, McCain's campaign planned to hit "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" in Burbank, Calif., on Monday and a fundraiser in Sacramento. He planned to take short day trips from his condo in Phoenix and then leave Thursday for rallies in must-win states Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. While there, McCain will talk with local reporters and make his case as the outspent, outmatched straight shooter.Ron Fournier has done wonders for the credibility of the Associated Press. Now it's the Asphyxiated Press. The above article at least does not contain pure opinion, like Fournier's drivel, just a little loaded analysis.
In related news:
Ultra wealthy people from all over the United States joined hands to pray for McCain's election. Just to hedge their bets they first prayed to God, and then also to Satan. Afterwards they made fun of the poor and sacrificed an Iranian virgin on a huge bonfire of oil profits. Good times.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Joe Biden Attacks
I am still fairly happy about his selection. He started attacking the McCain campaign within seconds of opening his speech. I did find it truly awesome. After weeks of Barack looking very weak under withering attacks from virtually every angle of the Republican world, Joe Biden lifted my spirits immediately. I just hope he keeps his attacks focused and doesn't run off at the mouth too much. If he can, then I will forgive him for the 75,000 word acceptance speech he will deliver at the DNC.
There are other things that I like about Joe Biden. He's not sensationally wealthy. He faced great personal loss when his wife died, which is something I am familiar with to a great extent. He believes the Bush administration should be brought to justice for their actions, or so he has said. He has vehemently spoken out against the current administration on numerous occasions.
Please allow me to present some of my favorite Biden quotes. On Iran in December, 2007:
Are you telling me a president that's briefed every single morning, who's fixated on Iran, is not told back in August that the tentative conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies in the U.S. government said they had abandoned their effort for a nuclear weapon in '03? I refuse to believe that. If that's true, he has the most incompetent staff in modern American history, and he's one of the most incompetent presidents in modern American history.
On Bush and Libby in July, 2007.:
This guy is brain dead. I know I’ll be quoted, I’ll be killed for that. This is a guy who is on the balls of his heels, here’s a guy who is lower off in the polls than any president in modern history and he goes ahead and he does something that just flies in the face of the sensibilities of the American people.
More on Bush and Scooter:
He commuted the sentence. He commuted the sentence. That is what you might call tone deaf or brain dead, one of the two, because seriously, think about it. Here when the world is going to hell with a hand basket, when our leadership around the world is literally on the balls of its heels, instead of engaging in any uniting, uniting effort to bring the country together, what does he do? He takes one of the most controversial political cases to raid the country. This is an administration beyond redemption. I really mean it. It's not a joke. I've been there for seven presidencies. Nobody. I was there 29 years ago this day. I was there with Richard Nixon. That's how old I am. And folks, this guy's worse. This guy's worse.
You're damned right I like Joe Biden for the VP pick. We just need to insert an interrupt in his brain, to guarantee a two second delay between when he thinks of what he wants to say and when he actually says it. I understand he has offended minorities, women, religious faiths, manatee, aliens and insects with his comments in the past. Hopefully there will be none of that.
I swore I wouldn't write about Biden. That worked out well. I made it a half day, at least.
Hate Crime In St. Paul
After an exciting day for the Obama campaign, a local branch is having a bit of a set back.
The local campaign office for Senator Obama was vandalized early Sunday morning, a little after 1:00.
Police responded to the Raymond Avenue office in St. Paul to find two large plate glass windows and a glass door completely smashed out. There was also paint splattered on the outside and inside of the building.
One person was inside at the time of the incident but was not hurt.
Gumpster at DK wrote:
News reports this morning there are no suspects, but Saint Paul police Chief John Harrington has asked Secret Service to get involved in the investigation and to ensure that this does not become a pattern. I have known Harrington for a number of years (not personally, but rather through his service to the city) and I have a great amount of trust that this matter will be taken seriously.Remember the atmosphere of hatred and violence. I write about it a lot. It's real, and a lot of people could be in danger if it gets much worse. I would support any candidate over a Karl Rove Creation® at this point. I would support the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu. Dr. Evil also looks pretty good. Those guys were lightweights in the realm of instilling fear and hatred, unlike "fart blossom" (history's biggest, vilest dung beetle).
Big Blogs Crawling With McCrazies
I am a sarcastic SOB. I am bitter and full of cynicism. I write hugely acidic commentary on the path our nation has been led down. But I am not a troll. I am always respectful of other people's writing and threads, even if I disagree (which is often). Of course I don't go to the kingdom of the Freepers, the Free Republic. I am not sure how I would react. I do know that trolls at progressive sites hardly ever get massive bashings, such as what the Freepers do.
So, there, I said it. I have met the enemy and its name is brainwashing. It teaches hatred and violence, distrust and judgment. It's controlled by a media with no shame, because the truth doesn't make dollars. Its soldiers do not even know what has been done to their way of thinking, and therefore follow unquestioningly. 'Tis a sad time for intelligence in America.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Awesome In Springfield, Illinois
Nineteen months ago, on a cold February day right here on the steps of the Old State Capitol, I stood before you to announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America.
We started this journey with a simple belief: that the American people were better than their government in Washington - a government that has fallen prey to special interests and policies that have left working people behind. As I've travelled to towns and cities, farms and factories, front porches and fairgrounds in almost all fifty states - that belief has been strengthened. Because at this defining moment in our history - with our nation at war, and our economy in recession - we know that the American people cannot afford four more years of the same failed policies and the same old politics in Washington. We know that the time for change has come.
For months, I've searched for a leader to finish this journey alongside me, and to join in me in making Washington work for the American people. I searched for a leader who understands the rising costs confronting working people, and who will always put their dreams first. A leader who sees clearly the challenges facing America in a changing world, with our security and standing set back by eight years of a failed foreign policy. A leader who shares my vision of an open government that calls all citizens - Democrats, Republicans and Independents - to a common purpose. Above all, I searched for a leader who is ready to step in and be President.
Today, I have come back to Springfield to tell you that I've found that leader - a man with a distinguished record and a fundamental decency - Joe Biden.
Joe Biden is that rare mix - for decades, he has brought change to Washington, but Washington hasn't changed him. He's an expert on foreign policy whose heart and values are rooted firmly in the middle class. He has stared down dictators and spoken out for America's cops and firefighters. He is uniquely suited to be my partner as we work to put our country back on track.
Now I could stand here and recite a list of Senator Biden's achievements, because he is one of the finest public servants of our time. But first I want to talk to you about the character of the man standing next to me.
Joe Biden's many triumphs have only come after great trial.
He was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His family didn't have much money. Joe Sr. worked different jobs, from cleaning boilers to selling cars, sometimes moving in with the in-laws or working weekends to make ends meet. But he raised his family with a strong commitment to work and to family; to the Catholic faith and to the belief that in America, you can make it if you try. Those are the core values that Joe Biden has carried with him to this day. And even though Joe Sr. is not with us, I know that he is proud of Joe today.
It might be hard to believe when you hear him talk now, but as a child he had a terrible stutter. They called him "Bu-bu-Biden." But he picked himself up, worked harder than the other guy, and got elected to the Senate - a young man with a family and a seemingly limitless future.
Then tragedy struck. Joe's wife Neilia and their little girl Naomi were killed in a car accident, and their two boys were badly hurt. When Joe was sworn in as a Senator, there was no ceremony in the Capitol - instead, he was standing by his sons in the hospital room where they were recovering. He was 30 years old.
Tragedy tests us - it tests our fortitude and it tests our faith. Here's how Joe Biden responded. He never moved to Washington. Instead, night after night, week after week, year after year, he returned home to Wilmington on a lonely Amtrak train when his Senate business was done. He raised his boys - first as a single dad, then alongside his wonderful wife Jill, who works as a teacher. He had a beautiful daughter. Now his children are grown and Joe is blessed with 5grandchildren. He instilled in them such a sense of public service that his son, Beau, who is now Delaware's Attorney General, is getting ready to deploy to Iraq. And he still takes that train back to Wilmington every night. Out of the heartbreak of that unspeakable accident, he did more than become a Senator - he raised a family. That is the measure of the man standing next to me. That is the character of Joe Biden.
Years later, Senator Biden would face another brush with death when he had a brain aneurysm. On the way to the hospital, they didn't think he was going to make it. They gave him slim odds to recover. But he did. He beat it. And he came back stronger than before.
Maybe it's this resilience - this insistence on overcoming adversity - that accounts for Joe Biden's work in the Senate. Time and again, he has made a difference for the people across this country who work long hours and face long odds. This working class kid from Scranton and Wilmington has always been a friend to the underdog, and all who seek a safer and more prosperous America to live their dreams and raise their families.
Fifteen years ago, too many American communities were plagued by violence and insecurity. So Joe Biden brought Democrats and Republicans together to pass the 1994 Crime Bill, putting 100,000 cops on the streets, and starting an eight year drop in crime across the country.
For far too long, millions of women suffered abuse in the shadows. So Joe Biden wrote the Violence Against Women Act, so every woman would have a place to turn for support. The rate of domestic violence went down dramatically, and countless women got a second chance at life.
Year after year, he has been at the forefront of the fight for judges who respect the fundamental rights and liberties of the American people; college tuition that is affordable for all; equal pay for women and a rising minimum wage for all; and family leave policies that value work and family. Those are the priorities of a man whose work reflects his life and his values.
That same strength of character is at the core of his rise to become one of America's leading voices on national security.
He looked Slobodan Milosevic in the eye and called him a war criminal, and then helped shape policies that would end the killing in the Balkans and bring him to justice. He passed laws to lock down chemical weapons, and led the push to bring Europe's newest democracies into NATO. Over the last eight years, he has been a powerful critic of the catastrophic Bush-McCain foreign policy, and a voice for a new direction that takes the fight to the terrorists and ends the war in Iraq responsibly. He recently went to Georgia, where he met quietly with the President and came back with a call for aid and a tough message for Russia.
Joe Biden is what so many others pretend to be - a statesman with sound judgment who doesn't have to hide behind bluster to keep America strong.
Joe won't just make a good Vice President - he will make a great one. After decades of steady work across the aisle, I know he'll be able to help me turn the page on the ugly partisanship in Washington, so we can bring Democrats and Republicans together to pass an agenda that works for the American people. And instead of secret task energy task forces stacked with Big Oil and a Vice President that twists the facts and shuts the American people out, I know that Joe Biden will give us some real straight talk.
I have seen this man work. I have sat with him as he chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and been by his side on the campaign trail. And I can tell you that Joe Biden gets it. He's that unique public servant who is at home in a bar in Cedar Rapids and the corridors of the Capitol; in the VFW hall in Concord, and at the center of an international crisis.
That's because he is still that scrappy kid from Scranton who beat the odds; the dedicated family man and committed Catholic who knows every conductor on that Amtrak train to Wilmington. That's the kind of fighter who I want by my side in the months and years to come.
That's what it's going to take to win the fight for good jobs that let people live their dreams, a tax code that rewards work instead of wealth, and health care that is affordable and accessible for every American family. That's what it's going to take to forge a new energy policy that frees us from our dependence on foreign oil and $4 gasoline at the pump, while creating new jobs and new industry. That's what it's going to take to put an end to a failed foreign policy that's based on bluster and bad judgment, so that we renew America's security and standing in the world.
We know what we're going to get from the other side. Four more years of the same out-of-touch policies that created an economic disaster at home, and a disastrous foreign policy abroad. Four more years of the same divisive politics that is all about tearing people down instead of lifting this country up.
We can't afford more of the same. I am running for President because that's a future that I don't accept for my daughters and I don't accept it for your children. It's time for the change that the American people need.
Now, with Joe Biden at my side, I am confident that we can take this country in a new direction; that we are ready to overcome the adversity of the last eight years; that we won't just win this election in November, we'll restore that fair shot at your dreams that is at the core of who Joe Biden and I are as people, and what America is as a nation. So let me introduce you to the next Vice President of the United States of America...
Video Link. Needziz Flashiziz.
What was shocking: Bye Den is a white mare these days. Her sire and matron were both black. She ran a convincing race in the Kentucky Derby qualifier.
People everywhere became confused when Bye Den was picked. A double minority ticket? Bye "Octaroon" Den and Barack "I Love Terrorists" Obama have been our ticket since 12:22 am.
I did stay up for it, and, gawd, awful. Also why I posted so late.
Biden will f*** this up.
Mark my words (hopefully not, but prolly).
Music: War Pigs, Black Sabbath in 1970 in Paris. Yup.
Friday, August 22, 2008
William Ockham Wrote
The Bush/Cheney Administration has institutionalized the most egregious extralegal executive abuses in our nation's history. As matters of policy, they've launched a war of aggression under false pretenses, violated the most basic human right treaties, trashed the Fourth Amendment, denied the right of habeas corpus to citizens and non-citizens alike, set up secret prisons, disappeared their presumed opponents around the world, tortured the innocent and presumed guilty alike, conducted sham military tribunals against the underage and the mentally ill, and, worst of all, claimed the power to indefinitely detain anyone in the world, including U.S. citizens, without any external check whatsoever. And that's just the stuff they have admitted to.Thank you, William.
So succinct.
Obama's Camp Never Calls
Breaking News:
Barack Obama picks his dark side to be running mate. Election battle finally commences.
When interviewed, Darth-Bama said, "I will destroy the Republican resistors. I will shatter their homeworld, and make slaves of their daughters."
McCain's campaign could not be reached for comment. Most of them have gone into hiding on Dagoba. McCain himself appears to have commandeered the Millennium Falcon, but he can't understand the controls. He's stuck on Tatooine.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
RPG Much?
Character build:
Level 40 Bullshit artist.
Int: 7 Char: (quad-dimensional= 10 or 0) Str: 4 Dex: 2 Wis:7 Con: 20.
MxCr8z can not be killed. Similar build to Tempest, Thieves World, except Tempest "aahcted" and MxCr8z axe. McCr8zy can hypnotize victims at will, and believes he is correct, always.
Related to the Boosh Golem. Both are MxCr8zy and Boosh are highly uninspired, and incredibly dangerous. Do not approach without a response team present.
MxCr8z has Stones of Jordan on both hands. He's got an Enigma on his chest. He's got a microphone in his hands. He's got a strap around his waist that says Walnuts! He's got a baseball cap on his head (it says “Peace In The Middle East”). He's got a Breath of the Dying...
Just a second, folks. I have just been told I have confused games.
RPG much?More:
C. J. Cherryh couldn't get MxCr8z killed, but then, there's the curve and then there's the Tempest curve. After prolonged torture Tempest finally gave up the ghost. Gung ho, Vivisectionist, says howdy. I wonder what MxCr8z thinks about the Vivisectionist. Could have been worse, Johnny. You could have been in Thieves World posing as invincible. Owch.
Moving on to free Bitteries (TM).
Music: Sanctuary (rare roio), The Cult.
McCain Wants Brains
(More Brains)
McCain: Loves young slaves (er, uh, troops)..
McCain: (Schmidt)-Lieberman ticket to be offered as kosher pork.
I just figured out I get my news prolly seconds before the Kos team, thanks to this space age drug, SUPER-Xeth. My supplier tells me the arm growing out of my back is natural, and that after my clone emerges everything will be fine. That sounded reasonable, but now I think there is a face coming out. It just said, "Feed me, Seymour." I am so hungry... so hungry...
Oh, yeah, RPG Essay (I mean Jefe):
Sweet. Somebody with clout stood up to Michael Goldfarb about his persistent criticism of Dungeons and Dragons and the people who play the game. Bob Mackey (LTC-ret.), consultant at the National Counterterrorism Center, wrote an article called "Cloak of Stupidity +5, or the Art of the False Political Assumption." Here's a good excerpt:
It seems Mr. Goldfarb, with the blessings of his employer, has decided that anyone who plays Dungeons and Dragons is some sort of anti-social uber nerd, incapable of manly activities, such as political blogging or being shot down over Hanoi.I guess I can come back out of the closet I was hiding in. Take that, Michael "Gas Spore" Goldfarb. En garde vile flumph!Well, as anyone with half a brain should know, not all D&D players live in their parents' basement. Some live upstairs.
And others, the vast majority of them, became doctors, lawyers, excelled in business, the arts, and even politics. And a more than a few of them put on the uniform and stand by the colors. And more than a few of them have come back from the very wars that men like Mr. Goldfarb have sent them covered in the colors, the same colors that are given to grieving mothers, wives, and girlfriends.
Yes, Mr. Goldfarb, I play Dungeons and Dragons. And I have, in my home, a very large box filled with medals and decorations that prove my service to this nation. Where were you, sir, when your country called? Oh yes, writing for the Weekly Standard.
While gaming geeks rallied around the flag.
No longer providing snark at this location free of charge. If the bouncers missed you, please be prepared to pay $12.50 if they catch you next time. Oh, you thought this was free? You>> Have been paying $1.25 a minute since you stopped here. Have a nice day, sir/ma'am. Thank you for your patronage.
Check your flop tables for charges.
RPG, jus cuz':
Dunjuns and Dragoons
I guess I'm not going to be able to leave the Dungeons and Dragons theme alone today. There's an awesome blog at Threat Level about the continuing McCain campaign attacks on the game and bloggers. Please feel free to write more gems like this:
McN00bor this:
by lol and I'm a Republican
I think he'd be the kid who's gotta trick out his level three fighter with "naturally rolled" 18's in all his stats, bracers of AC 2, ring and cloak of protection +5 each (which he "found" when he was level 1), and of course the n00b three-pack of girdle of storm giant strength, gauntlets of ogre power, and hammer of thunerbolts. Anything to make sure he beats the Terrorists of Elemental Evil.
Paladin McCain!I Love Threat Level.
by John G.
This aging 20th level paladin charges around the kingdom (stomping on any hapless peasants who get in his way) declaring what a great war hero he was despite being captured by orcs many years before. He distrusts wizards, non-humans and especially those beings from other planes of existance. He plans to lead all those of good alignment on the Prime Material Plane into a neverending war against the infernal forces of the Abyss but most sensible people say this is a very bad idea.
Nightsy night.
I will try to do better tomorrow.