With all of the news coming out of the convention, it's hard to believe that the Associated Press would need to make up a story, but hey, it is the Associated Press...the headline is eye-catching:Thanks to Eric Boehlert at Media matters for pointing this all out, since I missed BarbinMD's little piece when it came out. I no longer do AP syndication, for obvious reasons. I join in the call for Fournier to be taken off of campaign coverage.
Pelosi admits Democrats not yet united
Oh no! This is exactly the kind of story you don't want to see, right? Well, don't worry because there is nothing in the article that justifies the headline. What does Pelosi have to say about the disunity question?
The nomination is decided, we have a vice president, we're going to work together and go forward...You know what? This is like a yesterday room. We are going into the future. What did I walk into, a time capsule?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Asphyxiated Press Story
Yesterday BarbinMD described a piece of fiction written by one of Fournier's goons.