I am still fairly happy about his selection. He started attacking the McCain campaign within seconds of opening his speech. I did find it truly awesome. After weeks of Barack looking very weak under withering attacks from virtually every angle of the Republican world, Joe Biden lifted my spirits immediately. I just hope he keeps his attacks focused and doesn't run off at the mouth too much. If he can, then I will forgive him for the 75,000 word acceptance speech he will deliver at the DNC.
There are other things that I like about Joe Biden. He's not sensationally wealthy. He faced great personal loss when his wife died, which is something I am familiar with to a great extent. He believes the Bush administration should be brought to justice for their actions, or so he has said. He has vehemently spoken out against the current administration on numerous occasions.
Please allow me to present some of my favorite Biden quotes. On Iran in December, 2007:
Are you telling me a president that's briefed every single morning, who's fixated on Iran, is not told back in August that the tentative conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies in the U.S. government said they had abandoned their effort for a nuclear weapon in '03? I refuse to believe that. If that's true, he has the most incompetent staff in modern American history, and he's one of the most incompetent presidents in modern American history.
On Bush and Libby in July, 2007.:
This guy is brain dead. I know I’ll be quoted, I’ll be killed for that. This is a guy who is on the balls of his heels, here’s a guy who is lower off in the polls than any president in modern history and he goes ahead and he does something that just flies in the face of the sensibilities of the American people.
More on Bush and Scooter:
He commuted the sentence. He commuted the sentence. That is what you might call tone deaf or brain dead, one of the two, because seriously, think about it. Here when the world is going to hell with a hand basket, when our leadership around the world is literally on the balls of its heels, instead of engaging in any uniting, uniting effort to bring the country together, what does he do? He takes one of the most controversial political cases to raid the country. This is an administration beyond redemption. I really mean it. It's not a joke. I've been there for seven presidencies. Nobody. I was there 29 years ago this day. I was there with Richard Nixon. That's how old I am. And folks, this guy's worse. This guy's worse.
You're damned right I like Joe Biden for the VP pick. We just need to insert an interrupt in his brain, to guarantee a two second delay between when he thinks of what he wants to say and when he actually says it. I understand he has offended minorities, women, religious faiths, manatee, aliens and insects with his comments in the past. Hopefully there will be none of that.
I swore I wouldn't write about Biden. That worked out well. I made it a half day, at least.