Clown shoes for Rep. Bill Sali (R-ID), who stated in 2006 and again recently that forty percent of trees are crude oil. In case you missed this great nugget I got from TP, Bill Sali, a guy who steals oxygen from legitimate human beings, really has no inkling of where oil comes from. Byron Yankee helped point out just how stupid Sali really is, and he isn't the only one who has heard it straight from the horse's mouth. Betsy Russell from the Spokane Spokesman-Review reported on Sali's ignorance a couple of years ago.
Republicans in many shapes and sizes have gone oil mad. The rants and incredible claims such as China is drilling in Boca, drill drill drill, and "Oil Rocks!" were funny at first. After a bunch of Republican Representatives got down on the floor and began looking for little pieces of oil, the debacle became troublesome. Jonesing for oil has become a key part of Republican ideology. I urge them to get professional help. Maybe something like a 12 step program could work for them, or at least get them off of the floor.