Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Aliens Ate My Dingo

Ken Layne, philosopherius extraordinarius, and the senior alien analyst at Wonkette, brought this, and other pictures, to my attention.

The pictures were taken by in-the-field Alien operatives from Galatea IV. The operatives were soon deported from China, and earth, after being exposed by fourwinds10. I should have known no human could find such damaging material on our untouchable, impeccable, incredible, historic... uh, Chimpanzee Presidente. Drunk again, Booshy? Drink it down, chimpy. That's a goood boy!

To quote a wonkette operative Bago:
I’ve woken up at burning man wearing only a lab coat and a condom, and still have to say DAAAAMN! If there was ever a proper time to wake up that way, it would be in Nevada. At the Olympics in front of billions of TV watchers, damn. Totally checked out.

I'll take two of what Laura is having.