Friday, August 15, 2008

Torture in Immigration Detention

Our system has failed. We now treat immigration detainees as criminals, and deny them medical care. Jason Ng had a broken back and terminal cancer while held in detention, but was denied medical care repeatedly. Guards and staff believed he was faking. The man's suffering must have been horrific.
In federal court affidavits, Mr. Ng's lawyers contend that when he complained of severe pain that did not respond to analgesics, and grew too weak to walk or even stand to call his family from a detention pay phone, officials accused him of faking his condition. They denied him a wheelchair and refused pleas for an independent medical evaluation.

Nina Bernstein at the New York Times brought this tale to my attention before coffee or breakfast. I have an idea. For those people out there who are so proud of torture, let's get you hooked up with some real torture. Fans of the police state should be tased, pepper sprayed, beaten and detained indefinitely. Equal suffering for all might eventually cause them to change their minds.

The guards who dragged Mr. Ng to Hartford should be prosecuted and jailed for many long years, as should the warden who was in charge of the facility. Given the atmosphere of complete immunity for anyone involved with torture or human rights violations that probably will not happen. What happened to our proud nation? Does anybody really think things like this are okay?

My prayers are with his family.
They didn't deserve this.