Thursday, August 21, 2008

Critical Strike: Goldfarb Takes Double Damage

Sweet. Somebody with clout stood up to Michael Goldfarb about his persistent criticism of Dungeons and Dragons and the people who play the game. Bob Mackey (LTC-ret.), consultant at the National Counterterrorism Center, wrote an article called "Cloak of Stupidity +5, or the Art of the False Political Assumption." Here's a good excerpt:
It seems Mr. Goldfarb, with the blessings of his employer, has decided that anyone who plays Dungeons and Dragons is some sort of anti-social uber nerd, incapable of manly activities, such as political blogging or being shot down over Hanoi.

Well, as anyone with half a brain should know, not all D&D players live in their parents' basement. Some live upstairs.

And others, the vast majority of them, became doctors, lawyers, excelled in business, the arts, and even politics. And a more than a few of them put on the uniform and stand by the colors. And more than a few of them have come back from the very wars that men like Mr. Goldfarb have sent them covered in the colors, the same colors that are given to grieving mothers, wives, and girlfriends.

Yes, Mr. Goldfarb, I play Dungeons and Dragons. And I have, in my home, a very large box filled with medals and decorations that prove my service to this nation. Where were you, sir, when your country called? Oh yes, writing for the Weekly Standard.

While gaming geeks rallied around the flag.
I guess I can come back out of the closet I was hiding in. Take that, Michael "Gas Spore" Goldfarb. En garde vile flumph!

Thanks, hilzoy.