After reading numerous articles about John McCain's plan to limit veterans' access to VA health care (VA health care rationing) I realized I failed my own family. I rarely see my pops. He lives in another state. We do talk on the phone, regularly. We almost never discuss anything substantial, instead choosing to simply enjoy the communications for the sake of closeness. Today I realized I never told him about McCain's plan to ration veterans' health benefits from the Veteran Administration to combat related issues. I quickly rectified that after my realization.
My sister supports all things Republican. She, her husband, and her husband's family, are members of a small sect of the Seventh Day Adventist Church Convention. I hope I got that right. Though she and I never speak, because I am a godless liberal (her words), she listens to her father. I hope she will listen about this.
Today I sent pops all the information I have about McCain's "rationing" proposal, which would leave the old patriarch of our family without health care of any kind. I asked him to speak with my sister about it, and try to change her mind. I urged him to become very acquainted with the facts first, because Republican disinformation permeates religious extremist circles. If Republican supporters sense any weakness, the cause is lost.
I have faith in pop's mind. He is 72 years old, and sharper on his worst days than John McCain on his best days. I am sure he understands the dire situation concerning his health care. I am sure he will present the facts like a professional (he was a print journalist for 47 years). My poor, brainwashed sister will never know what hit her.
I write this to urge anyone who has a loved one, or knows someone who does, that depends on the VA for health care to please present them with facts to defend themselves. Not many veterans are like John McCain. They haven't been POW's, and they would never hang their brothers in arms out to dry. John McCain proposes to do just that. Help stop John McCain. Aging veterans often depend on broadcast journalism for their news, and this story, like so many others that show McCain's total incompetence to run this nation, has received almost no attention from the mainstream media. Please help stop this. It is wrong.
Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and efforts.
It means a lot to so many families.