"Professional" clown Bill Kristol has a problem with accuracy. Does this surprise anyone? Kristol is just another big brain in the neocon universe who deserves recognition about as much as Iraq deserved an American occupation. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The worst writer at the Daily Kos does better work than many of those clowns.
Incidentally, the "cone of silence" story Kristol made the mistake about could be considered a metaphor for the entire election this year. McCain's dishonesty makes Obama look bad. Can anybody consider the Rove tactics of the McCain campaign and doubt for a second that John listened to Warren's questions in advance? I can't keep a straight face when I think about it. That clever scamp McMaverick always has something up his sleeve.
I hope Obama isn't counting on the religious right to help elect him. There's no chance of that. Barack's the Antichrist, remember? Also, he doesn't look like the Presidents on American currency. The event at Rick Warren's church was a huge waste of time, and increased my doubts about Obama's political savvy once again. Our presumptive nominee turns to the right once again, alienating some of his true supporter base. The separation of church and state has never been so in danger before, and sometimes it seems Obama just doesn't get that.