Tuesday, August 19, 2008

David Brooks Wuvs John McCain

The sick feeling I got after reading today's David Brooks column still has not subsided. I am normally very understanding about latent homosexuality, but this just grossed me out too much. Mr. Brooks loves John McCain. Here's a little sample:
This sort of behavior has been part of McCain’s long-running rebellion against the stupidity of modern partisanship. In a thousand ways, he has tried to preserve some sense of self-respect in a sea of pandering pomposity. He’s done it through self-mockery, by talking endlessly about his own embarrassing lapses and by keeping up a running patter on the absurdity all around. He’s done it by breaking frequently from his own party to cut serious deals with people like Ted Kennedy and Russ Feingold. He’s done it with his own frantic and freewheeling style...

The column is labeled as opinion. It should come with an adult content warning as well, so no children stumble into Brooks perverted world on accident. Eww.