Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Zogby Science Fiction

I almost didn't even say anything about this, because response rates on polls have been falling like a lead brick, but Zogby is out with a new poll. It proves that a majority of the people still responding to the polls are currently Republican. The Freepers, I am sure, will be dancing in the streets today, wagging their fingers and screaming, "Nyah nyah!" They need their little moment, because things have not looked very good for them recently.

Why do I believe the poll is deeply flawed? Part of the poll says Americans trust McCain more than Obama on the economy, by 49% to 40%. There's no freaking way that is right, but it's one of those August moments.
[Update] Greg Sargent at Talking Points Memo seems to agree with the idea that the numbers on the economy make the poll questionable. I agree with him about one thing, for sure. This can't be a good thing even if the poll is a flawed outlier.

Incidentally, I can almost hear the moans and gnashing of teeth from the Kossack hordes. I don't think I'll be going near there today. There is bound to be much whining.