Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Trails Perversion Mushararraf

Pervez Musharraf resigned. Et tu, Musharraf? What's happening to Bush's brilliant global policy?

Maybe Benazir Bhutto can take over... oh, right, the Bush administration was directly responsible for Pakistan's failure to keep her alive.
Ron Suskind:
Bhutto says, you know, “Look at my situation. I’m now going to wash away the entire Musharraf power structure, because the fact is, is I’m rising, and he’s plummeting. That’s one opponent. Also, the jihadists are realizing that I might create a counterpoint in this whole region to bin Laden. So now I’ve got two enemies, of course, who have been in an unholy alliance—dictatorial power, messianic radicalism—for many years, and I have no protection. Why? Because Dick Cheney won’t make the phone call.” We go on and on about this. She says, “Why? Explain it to me, the idea that they assured me Cheney would make the call to Musharraf simply to say, ‘You’re the dictator, make sure she is protected. She has to make it to election day. If she doesn’t, we’re going to hold you responsible.’”

Bhutto, at this point, realizes she’s essentially been abandoned because the US has chosen illegitimate power over spoken principle. It’s an extraordinary finish to her life of real clarity and also clarity about, oddly, the power, truly, of democratic ideals, if you actually believe in them.

Big surprise, big men in Washington always say they're gonna call, but they never do.
Osama Bin Laden won't take the job, but may well have a hand in who does.
