Monday, August 11, 2008

Sympathy For The Devil

The post I wrote yesterday could be considered nonfiction in almost every respect. A friend of mine was questioned by the FBI over an email. The email was harmless, and there was no reason for the interrogation to take place. I believe that it only happened because he is a Muslim. The correction to the story deals with the underlying content of the piece. The email incident had nothing to do with protests or activism, as I improperly portrayed it. No charges of any kind have ever been filed, probably because my friend is a native born citizen of the United States, of German descent, who converted to Islam from Catholicism.

The other clarification I feel needs to be made deals with my treatment of the incidents in Seattle and Portland. I made that section of the story sound like "Sympathy For The Devil." The story was not intended to be autobiographical, so I narrowed the scope of what I was writing to limit my own personal involvement with the story. I had already said too much about myself by that time. I didn't feel I should exacerbate the problem by rambling on about the riots in Seattle and Portland.

Good Morning.